26S ThefirrtSermon z Thoughhe-be in Chrft,yet hee muff exa- minehim fclfe, whether he beparticularly pre- pared, cluickned, and fitted; whether his heart be put into fuch a trance ofgrace, or fafhianed fo as it ought tobe, whenhe cornes to the im- mediate performanceoffueh a duty as that is. Now becaufe I handle thispoint, but onely for this particular occafion, I will not enter into fuch a manner ofhandling of it, as I was wont todo at other times, but onely takeup fo much ofit as may ferve for the prefent occafion;Ther. fore becaufe I fay this to you. That except a manbee inChrift, heought not to take any prì- viledgeto hirnfelfe: we will, Firft exhortevery man to confider whether bee be inChris : for this is the prefent queflion which any mans ' heart wouldaske, whenhe heares this propoun- ded ; Why, ifall thepriviledges be fufpended upon my being in Chrift, my maine bufinef a is toexaminewhether I be in Chrift or no. Now becaufe a man maybee in Chrift and yet be fuf- pended byfoam interveniall finne, by forne in- difpofition ofmindeand heart, that may grow Dn him, from theaauallinjoyingof the prefent 'fruit and benefit of that priviledl e which be- longs f : to him; therefore wewill firft give you rules to examine your felveswhether you be in Chrift or no,tt is very ufeful to all that now are to receive, or at any other time ; its ufefull you know too, not onelyupodá_fuch an occafion as this,but uponall cxccafons;and therforea point, (though