on the Sacrament. 269. ( though peculiarly belonging to this timebe- ing taken up for preparation for the Sacrament) which we may the. more boldly venture upon, and you ought to attend it more diligently. I wil giveyoubut thefe two maine notes orrules bywhichyou (hall try ir. Whofoever is in Chrift, there mutt ipaffea double ad: one on our parr,another on Chriíls part,Ñly beloved is mine, andI asst bra ; wee take Chrift andChrift takes us; wherefoever you finde there two a6s, fuch a man is in Chrift There mull be anadofour part,fomething the heart and minde of a man mua doe to take Chris. Secondly,theLord fends and puts forth fome thing of l is,hecloth put forthanadofthe Holy spirit,wherbyhecomprehends and takes us. Now ifthou finde in thy felfe thefe two things; Fir},that thyheart bath exercifed that ad oftaking the Lord lefus ; Secondly, that he bath Pentforth avernie, and put forth an adof his to take and to comprehend thee ; then cer- tainely, thou art in Chrift ; and ifit be fo, all the priviledges belong to thee ; ifnor, thou haft no- thing todo with this holy Sacrament. Now for theclearedifcerningof that adwhich ison our parr, you mug confider thefe things. a Whether you make Chrift your chiefefl Excellency. z Whetheryou make him your chiefefi Tree. Are. 3 Whetheryou make him your chiefefl loy and Wight. S ; 4 Whether Lèaat.2.I41,