270 ThefrThSevrnon 4 Whether hee beeyour chiefe it Effi.ige, to whomyour hearts retire on all occaLions. 5 Whether you fet himup inyour hearts for 5 thechiefeacommander. My Beloved,ifyou find all this done byyou, thenout ofdoubr, Chrift belongs toyou; They areal' feverall,but they meet ¡none center, and ferve together to make up one rule oftriall, to knowwhether you have woke Chrift toyou orno ;and I will handle them all diainetly as I have named them to you. r Thereforeconfider whether Chriftbe thy chiefeft Excelienctfor it is naturall toevery man to feeke fome excellency or other. Indeed beafts,fo theymayhave that which is .neceffary for the lifeand fervice of nature,it is enough for them; and it may be it is enough for all brutith men, whofc fouler are buried in theirbodies that are but fepulchers of men, in whom that fpeetacle ofexcellency which is rationail, be- longing to a man, is quenched in fenfuality. There men,it may be,feeke no excellencyat al, but[ they may live in pleafures, fo they may have that which belongs to their bodies, and to this prefent life, it is enough for them. But a man whobath any thing ofa man in him, as he is aman, confidered in thefe higher parts ofhis foule, his mindand his wilt ; he feekes another excellency futable to thefe parts : hee ferves a higher, a morefpiricnall immateriall fubflance, filch as the*le is; 4St according as mens minds are