Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

272 TbefiritSernza?z forne fuch thing as 1have named : Confider what is the proper vertue thou wo.uldea have thy foule to excel!in, for there are feverall ver- tues; every thing hath tome vertue or other which is proper to it; as the vertue ofa knife is tocut well the vertueofa horte togoe well; the vertue of a fouldier to fight well; and the vertue ofä Chrillian tobe a holy man ; tobee holy, gracious, and unblameable in his conver- fatiop. Now what is the proper excellency thy heart aymes at what is that thou efteem- eft thy vertue, that if thou wert put to thy choyfe that thou mìghteft have a with granted thee thou wouldfl moil delire ? Whether wouldefl thou delire this; toexcel! ingraceand holinef e, tohave thy fin full tufts mortifyed,to have thyheart put into a holy frame ofgrace ? or whether, (if thou wouldefldeale impartially with thy felfe) is it not force other excellency that thy heart runnes upon ? that thy thoughts and affections are molt let upon e Confider when thou lookeft upon others , what feetnes moti gracious in thy fight, bywhat-thoudoeft molt value theexcellency ofanother man; for it is likely thou fo efteerneft thy felfealfo: Con- fider therefore. I fray what thou meafureft thy feife andothers by; Aman that is in Chrift,fets fo much by himfelfe, and byevery man as he is in Gods Booke as you fee, men are rated, and their wealthefleetned according as they are in theKings bookes. Seewhat thy heart faith to this