Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

òn theSacrament. 27; this, whether thou fetteft fomuchby thy felfe and by everyman elfe, as he is in Gods favour ,I -as he bath theeminency ofgrace and holinefi'e' aboveothers; or whether it bee focnething elfe by which thou ratefl thy felfe and others: Con- ider what is that outward Badge, that Livery, that Cognizance thoudefireft to weare,which thou wouldefi boaff ofamongmen : you (hall fee it in rand, (faithhe) When I comeamongft you, I doe not regard the excellency of»aturall w f dome; I care not to come with that; The timewas when I prized it, as you prize it now; but now (faith bee) it is another excellency which I feeke, Which I delire to weare (as it were:)When I come amongft you, to preach 'the Gofpell, (faith he) I care for nothing elfe, I -care not to be thought toknow anyelfe , than Chrrf1 crucified: Confiderwith thy felfe now what thou wouldft have mofI eminent inthee, in theeyesandcares ofamen , that which thou wouldefl weare in the viewof all the world ; whether it be the LiveryofChrifl; to.profeffe the feareofGod, to excell in grace and holy- nes,though the world difgracc,defpife and hate thee for it : Is this that thy heart defirese If fo, its a ligne thou feekeft Chrift for thyexcellen- cy. Confider likewife what it is that thou cmeft thy chiefeft wifedvme;for it is the dif. . po(ition ofmenbefore they bee in Chrift, be- forethey have experience ofthe wayes ofGod, before they be regenerate,when they looke upó thole i Cor.2.E.2«