274 i Co,z. I. Deut4.6: PI The firi?Sermon tholewayes inothers, they reckon themRilry; they are foolOneffe to every naturali nun. but when theyare once in Chrifl,then they arewif- dome unto them, that is, they reckonhim the wire( man that excells moil in thefe foollih courfes, asbefore they deemed them. It is the Lordsexpreffion, Deut. 4. 6. This¡hall beeyour wifidomebefore allpeopk, to keepe my Lan aftd Commandments. Confider nowwhat is that thou reckoneft thy chiefeft wifedome, before all people ; whether that which before thou thinkedfl folly andweakneffe,andhadd'it a dif- pofition in thy keart to contemne and fcorne ? whether now 'met thou it at a higher price, and dollin truththinkeit thywifedome , and art willing that all the world thould know that thon thinkeft fo ? Bythis you (hall finde whe- theryoumake Chrift yourexcellency byconfi- dering whether your hearts goe thisway or no, to feeke a vertue in the excellencycs ofIefus Chrift, and fo thew them forth to others; by examining whether this be thy chiefeft wifh, that thou mayft bee a Chr*ian ; that thou mayeft befound in Chrift ; that thou mayeft be able to rayas Paul laid, i reckonall other things ord drop, is haft andvále things 5 vilely to befiund cbriAtohe bedin his righteoufnege, to ex- cell in thegrace s It; thisonely Iprize as molt excellent, andmoil worthy . And this is the&it. z Secondly, confider what is thy chiefett rreafire,