Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. 275 7'reafuree for youfee Fie that hadgotsen thefield, !Math.73.44, heegave allthat he hadfor it, amts event away re- I joycing, for hee reckoned it his greateft trea- furep and worth all the refl. It is certaine, whofoever bath taken Chrift, Both foefteema Qfhirn, hee reckons him to bee his chicle trea- fure. You will fay, How fhall I know it ? obiea. Why,confider what men doe with their trea- dinfwe fure,for it is certaine (as I laidbefore, of excel- lency, fo ) everyman bath fame treafureor o- ther; The pooreft man that is, hatha treafure, fome thing that hee efteemes of, which bee makes account of.I aske not what thou art pof- left of,but whatthoumail efteemeft? for trea- luresareas they are tnoft efteemed of. Aswee fay ofjewels,the worth ofthem isaccording to mens fancies,according as they areefteemedfo it is with every mans treafure; One makes this thing his treafure, another that. Now (I fay) confider what thou makeft thy treafure and you (hall knowwhat your treafure is, by thefe marker. z A. man layes up his treafure in the fafefi place. Then if Chrift be thy treafure, thou wilt lay himup i n the innermoft partsofthy heart, he fhall zat dwell in thy tongue,he (hall be laid up in theclofer of thyheart; he (hall not dwell in thy outward man, in thy underftanding on- ly, but he fhall bee laid up in thy inward part ; (that is) he hall beepitched upon the very bot- tome.