Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

GanI.31. Thefirfi Sermon tome ofthy heart, and there he (hall reff, there thouwilt entertainehim. z Againe what a mans treafure is that bee keepes with thegreat&care, with the greateft warineffeand folicitude.So wilt thou the Lord Iefus,vwhenonce thou layft him up in thy heart thouwilt not becarefull for any thing, fomuch; as tokeepe him fafe; that is, tci keepe theaffu- rance ofhis favour fafe , to keepe him neere thee , and thyJ`elfcneereuntohim : thy minde will bee more carefullof this, more thanofall things elfe: Thou wilt then take heede otall things that maycaufeadittance betweene thee and him ; thouwilt then take heeds ofwhatfo- ever may loofchim, of whatfoever May make a feparationbetweene the Lordand thee; thou wilt be morecareful! for this, than anyman is tokeepe hishealth, pr tokeepe whatfoever it is thathe makeshis Treafure. 3 Againe whatfoever is thy treafure that thouwilt molt efteeme, thou wilt fet it at the higheft rateabove all things elfe, Before a man is in Chrift there are manyother things, which in truth, ( howfoever bee pretend fornething elfe) hee prizeth at a higher rate than Chrift; Worldly vanities beforehee is in Chrifl, feeìne great things in him;but whenhe is inhim once, he lookesupon themwithanother eye. My be. laved, you know therewas a time when, God lagked upon the creatures, andthey were exceeding good, evenall that are in the world; thole things that