an the Sacrament. 277.. that men niágniie tomuch, I fay, there wasa time when they were exceeding good : but honehathblowed upon them, it bath blafled the beauty and vigour of them, fo that now when the Lord looks uponthem,this is the fen- tence that is pronounced ofthem,you know,in Eccl. r.14. Theyareall vanityandvexationof rit. Confiderifthou beable to looke onal thefe things (even the belt things the world bath)as thingsbeingbut rneere vanity ; things wherein_ the Lordfowed notmens happinefle,andthere- forethoucana not think toreape it there.Ifyou marke but the expreffionthe wife manufeth in r &cclef. faith he; All things fonder,thesunare bat vanity : now there is a reafon conteined in thefe ,words why they are but vanity; for watersyou know,they afcend not higher than the foune taine, andthey carry not anything higher than their owneafcent fo all the creaturesthat bee in theworld, they bebut under the Sunne, there- fore they cannot afcend to that happinef e which is above the Sun, ., norcarry you to that condition which is above, for happinefl"e is a boye the Sunne, laide up in Heaven. Therefore faith hee, all things under theSunne ift they bee conldered tomakeatan happy, theyare but vanity : Nowconfider whether thy judgement befo ofthemor no , whether it beeconforma - ble to the holy Goof , whether thou haft this `conceitofallotherthings, but the quitecontra- ry conceit oflefus Chrift; whether thou canfl thinks