Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

1 -27s lthinkeot;hiaa, asofone. that is m3aexec llent and thy chi°fe ft treafure, as one that is farre b'e-' yond all thefe, as one upon whom thy heart is l 7 pitched, as one in whore thyhappineffe is con I reined. I 4 Againe, a manstreafure is that which hee will bee at any coil to get, bee will beeat any pinesto attaine it.It is that,an which his heart is beftowed , and affedtions are occupied a- bout. Is it fowith thee when thou commeft to Chrif. Iefus.? art thou willing tobee at more cofland paines toget him, than any thing befides ? Is thy heart andaffeettons more be MatIa.S .zt. flowed uponhim? Forwherea scans treafure is, therehis heart is. I doe not aske whether thou 1 bettowft moretineupon thematters ofgrace, I than the duties ofthy calling ; but , whether thoudoll themwith more intention, whether 1 thoubeftoweft thy time and paines uponthem, las upon that which thou reckoner thy treafure, 1 farre exceedingall other? 5 Fiftly, confider whether thou art willing !; topart with any thing rather than with Chrih Iefus. for whatfoevet is a mans treafure, you know a mmwil part with any thing rather than it. Is it fo with thee :' hadfi thou rather part with any thing than with Chrift ? than ro part with a good confcience; with thegraces ofthe Spirit, with any thing that tends to holinefl°e tobuild thee up further in the workeofGods race? I fay, confider whether thy y heart bee willing T'hefry fl Sermon