on theSacrament. 279 willing to part with any thing rather than with ÿ' Chrift; for thou !halt finde this,that Sathanand I the world will cheapen Chrift, and when they come to bidding,theywill bid well. Confider whether tby heart can give a peremptory an- fwer to the world, and lay thus; Twill not fell , Chrift,I will notfell a goodconfcience for any I thing ; yea when Sathan and the world bid I higheft; and tell theeas fleedid Chrift, that he 1 wìllgive the allthe riehes,and alltheglory in the Math,q Y,p, world, if thou wiltpart withChriyI; Confider whether thyheart be ready todeny whatfoever he offers to thee,(as hewill be fare to offer that whichwill bee moft futable to thydifpofition) d whether thy heart bath taken this refolutiotr to it felfc; Chrift is my chiefeff creature, I will part with all - therefore, I will part with liberty, withlife,with goods,with credir,with pleafures with profits , with ..whatfoever is neere and j Beareuntome, rather than I will part with the I Lord'Iefus. If thisbe thyhearts refolutionand f minds, thenChria is thy chiefe treafure; that's the fecond thing. 3 Thirdl'y,confider what is thycheife joyand delight, what is thy life,;(I put them together, l 1 for that -which is a manschiefe joy indeed , is ! his life.) For weeknow life is nothingelfe but I that joy which the heart hath,wherby it is.nou- rilbed and fed as it were;for life is not to have bodyand ferule joyned together, tobe a living man,in that fenfe we ufually take life;for ifthat i were ZI