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z Thefirft Sermon. were life then thole inhell fhould not bee faid todyethedeath; for you know inhell there isa conjunction offouleand body, andyet men are not faid to live there;for it is deathwhich is the puniibment offinne: and indeed you thall finde that there is fomething a mans heart cleaves un- to , wherein hee rejoyceth, which is thefame with his life. Therefore looke as the Soule enlivens the body , fo the conjuntion of the prefentthings whichhee reckonshisjoy,that is his life,enlivenhis foulc,hecannot live without them. Now ifChriftbe thy chiefe joy, thou wilt finde this,that thou canf#not Rive without him , as men are wontto fayoftheir delights ;. Stich a man cannot live without fuch athing; fe it is aceofevery man that bathtaken Chrifl, heis not ableto live without him. Thislife is no life,and thereforeif therebe but afeparations betweene thee andChrift, ifamansconfcience beeas it were clouded for time, beefndes no ref, he loth as the Spoude intheCanticles ; She feekesfrûmoneplaceto 4nosber, andgivesherraft no re/i,ttll Ae ende him; and why? becaufe it was he whomherfoale laved. So you (ball finde, Be- loved, whatfoever it is that your foules love, whatfoever you make your chiefe joy, youwill take no reff , but as farre as you love and enjoy it, Therefore for the finding of this, whether -Chri bethy life and thy chiefejoy, confider what it is that thy thoughts feede upon; every wicked man, everyman that is out ofChriff, here Caict.g.6