on theSacYaH.ieYlt. there is fomething that his thoughts feed upon, foaie things there are, in contemplation of which thefoule folaceth it felfe; tome pleafures that are paftfprefent,or to come ; the very thin- king of thefe are thegreateft joy ofhisheart, he roules themunder his tongue; evenas a Sere vaat that bath got fame dainty bit out ofhis Matters prefence,and cates it in acorner, fo the foule'ofa man hash out ofChrift forne fecret, forne ftolen, fome unlawfull delights, that it feeds uponand delights in: Confider therefore well with thy felfe, what breakfaü thy morning thoughts have(hat I may fo fay) what breake- faff they have every morning,what is that Fable him, that food Mof thy foule , wherewith thy thoughts andaffeètions are nourifhed and re- frefhed from dayto day ; whether it b° force carnall pleaÇurc,tòme refiedingon thy flate, up- on thy weakh, upon thy friends, or whether it beonChrift. See (asDaysdexercifed it) whe- therbe they thy fangs in the night time? All car nail men have fomething paft whereby they >cornfortthemfelves, fomething prefect whe re by they cheare up their hearts, fomething to, come, fomething in hope. So every man that is inChrift, he hashthe comforts ofthe Spirit, the meditationofthe priviledges that hebath in Chrift, the hope of Gods favour ; Thefe are his appointed food, thefe are the things that his foule feeder an n;fecret ; yea the very workes that he Both, that feer-ncs tobe the hardeft part T of 28i