z82 i ThefiritSermon ofa Chriff.ianslife, the very worker that hee Both in ferving the Lord from day to day, even that is-his- meate and his drinke; that is, it isastweet and acceptable to hisfoule, as anddrinke is to the hunger and thirfof his body. Nowconfider with thy felfewhether it be fo with thee; whether that which is thy continual! fear, without which thou canffnot live, bee Cilia; or theaffurance thou hail; that he is thine and thou art his ; whether it bee the priviledges thouhaft inhina;and the things that belong to thekingdomeofGod ; See whether thefe be thy life,the things withoutwhich thou couldff not.live; or whether it beefome thing elfefeline ftollen delights,fomeunlawful plea- fures,fome thing elfe that thyjouleand aff'eeti ons are fet upon. This h the next thing' by which thou maieft try thy felfewhether thou belong toChrift or no, toconfider whether he bee thy chiefe joy, whetherthy foule bee moll fillei and fatisfyed with him. And thisisthe third thing. 4 Thefourth is ; to knowwhether hebe thy chiefe RefHge; If thou bee one that bath Tooke him and received"hitn,I fay,he is thy chide re- fuge. Forevery man bath fome refuge, tome caffle or other towhich his foule retires in all difficult and doubtfull cafes, by reafonof that indigency,thatiufufficiency towhich the nature ofman is fubjeu, There is fomething that bee muff havetoleane unto, (marke it)formankind is