Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. z83 is like that generation which the Wifeman fpeakes of: You know iris fayd of the Con nyes,They ,gre 4vier4tionnot firon ; andwhat then, and therefore they hive their barroaves to hide themfdvesin. I fay fuch is the generation of mankinde, he is a weake creature, a gene- rationnot flrong, therefore there is fomething that hemutt leane to, fomething out ofhim- felfe, force fufficiency befides himfelfe, force ttrong hold, Come refuge every manbath; I fay every man bath fame refuge or other, whither he thinkeshis (' ule maygoe,and therehee may havefuccour in cafes daungerous and in trou- bles. Nowconfider what -is thy refuge , whi- ther thy heart runnes in all fuch cafes , towhat wing, towhat ftronghold: In daungerousca- fes, you fee everycreature kath fame refuge or other: The Child tonnes tohis Mother, The Chickens mane to theberme. The Fox to his earth, the Connyesto their burrowes;fo every creature to their feverall corners andrecepta- cles proper to them I fay fo it is with every man, fb hark every one of you to whom I fpeake, there is fomewhat thatis a fecret refuge towhich your hoarts fly. Now confider whe- therthat be Chrift or fomewhat elfe. A cove- tous manor rather a manofthis world)hebath wealth for his ftronghold, inwhich his heart comforts it`felfe ; well,faith he,what change of time fo evercome, yet I have an eftate tohold me up; andwhen he is ill fpokenof abroad,yet T 2 hee Prov.3 o.=G.