Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2S4 The a'r Sernaon heé applaudes himfelfe with that bee bath at home ; The Courtiers ,they have t he Princes favour,that is their refuge wherein they comfort themfelves;'Thofe that are given to Company they have good fellewes, ff:ch as they , that arc their companions , and fo long as they fpeake well of them, they care not who fpeake ill of them; Same have a refuge ofthiskind,forneof another, every manbath his refuge. Ifyou will Tooke into theScriptures, you (hall feeDavids refuge, in any difireffe, upon any occafon ; At 1 Sam. 3 °`6' ziglag he.corxi f rtethhimffe in the Lord,his hart did fly tohim, as thechickens fly to thehenne, there he comforted hitnfelfe,therehe fhrowded. himfelfe , there he encouraged himfelfc in,the Lord. When he fled from his fon Bbolan, was not the Lord his refuge ?Tet(iaithhe) bee isrny.; buckler atsd myflung hold,Pialrner.., ;,whichwas made upon that occa(ion. What was racobs re.. fuge when he fled fromhis brother Efäu ? Did ca32 Yx, not he goe to the Lord, and feeke to him by Prayer? Lordthose haflPaid thou wilt doe megood, now I fly unto thee,' befech thee perförme thy promife,thouart my refuge. Confider others now,what was their refuge; rudoi,whenhehad betrayedhisMailer Chritl, and his confcience vs as upon him for it; hegoes to thehigh pricits and bringstheliver to them, why,faith he,you fet me ásvorke, you are the authors ofit, and I hope to findforme comfort from you;you fee he föund littlec®fort inhis minde,yet that was his re.