on theSacrament. 85 refuge. The Kings of Ifraei and tuda whets they werediflre(%d, they fled toEgypt and to Afhur, to this or that helpe,which(the Lord laid) were broken reeds to them, but yet thatwas theirre-. fuge. This isthemaner ofeveryman beingout of Chrifl,ofevery unregenerate man,that is in his naturali eflate,lomerefugehe hath;ftiends, or wealth,or credir,or the favour ofthe Prince, fornethingor otherit is : and ifhee be dellitute and have no refuge (as fômetimes it fo fats out) then hisheart is (haken as the leaves ofthe for- refl, Theirhearts were /Jake" ever:for fareoftbe king of dram, As the leaves are (hake" in thefor- refl;andwhy ? Becaufe they knewnot how to defend thernfelves : they hadno refuge to fly to. Soyou fee it was withBefhazars heart ;fo (Achitophel; and fo Saul; whenhe fees that bee mull die the next day,and that there was no re- fuge for him: then I fay their hearts fanke and dyed within them. And now confiderhow it is with thee,what is the refuge towhich thyheart flyeth,and whichthy heart makes moll account of (for every man thinkes with;himfelfe,change of time may come,&what Thal be my comfort what íhai be my firongholdat that tire.)Dof thou fly to.Iefus Chrifl?is he thy fuccour when thy heart is deje,fted at any time & faints with- in thee ? from which fountainedoft thou fetch thy coin fort ? Doll thou fly to Chrift, tocom- fort thy fafe in him, when thou arr ina doubt- ful). cafe , that concernes thee as much as thy T 3 life? rrai ah ars.