Thefirt Sermon life : whither doff: thou gee for counfell and dire&ion ? is it toChriff, to befeech him to guide thee,todirect thee, when thou art pref fedhard r whither Both thy heart gor for fuc cour and for hclpe to keepe thy feitefafe ? Is it toChria, or to fomedd'hat elfe ? ßßv beloved, 1 Aareyet: this, that a carnall man that is not in Chrift, in thefe times ofdiftreife knowesnot whither to goe; hee dares nut goe to Chrifl3for he feares that it (hall beaskedhire, uponwhat acquaintance? for hebath been aftranger to the Lord, hewas never acquainted with him: but a carnali man that is outofChrift, hee goes to his trufes, hegoes to his fames, hee goes to his bufhes, as the hunted harewas wont todot, to geeto the places that Elite ufed whenThee lived quiet, thither Thee flyes when thee knowes not how tocfcape fo in that fafhôi it is withmen, lookewhat things they were wont, to which their heartshad recourfe in timeofprofperity, and what their hauntshave beene ; to thofe bu. flies they fly: Butalas ! they are butbufbes, fuch as will not defend them.But now the Chrifiian on the other fide,themufe,the farineas it were (it is but to exprefie it toyou) that his foule its acquainted with, the ftronghold that bee was wont to fly unto,upon every feverallcvill,upon every ordinary doubt, upon every deectíon, dileouragement and fainting of heart; lice was wont to fly toChrift, and there he waswont to findecomfort, and thither begoes in time of greateff i