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on theSacrament. greateft d fiiculty in the day of death,and there hee Ends comfort. Confider 'if hee bee thy chiefe refuge, for ifthy heart h2th taken him as, he is thy chiefe excellency, thychiefe joy, thy chicle treafure;fo he wil be thy chiefeil refuge, yet when all things elfe are taken away, yet that cover remaines fafe Suppofe thou be in prifon, fuppofc thy credit bee takenaway, (I meanc)thy worldly credit (for the other credit cannot be taken away from any man that bath Chrift.)fuppofethy life be takenaway,luppofe thou bee fiript of all that thouhail; yet thou haft Chrifl for thychiefe refuge,and thou thin- kefi fo, and thyheart is fatisfyeci with it. M Paul faith, when hoe was aprifoner , whenbe was naked , when beewas deftitute, whenbe was flript ofall,yet(faithile) iknowwhom Ihave trolled; As jibe fhould fay,yet I have him fafe, yet my cover is overmy head, yet I'am fafe in my cattle, I have chofen him, Ihave him in -death, yea then Chrift 'leisadvantage, he is a cover,a caille, and a refuge. 5 Laft ofall: confider whom thou fetteflup for thy chiefell Commander, who it is to whom thougiven the chiclecommand in thine heart. You will fay how (hall I know that: Why(my beloved) he whoma man feareth moil, and lo- vethmoft,that is hewhofe friendfhip above all othershee would loft loofe, andwhofe diflike and feparationhedothmoll feare,cercàinely will bee moll obedient tohim, bewill be moi T 4 ob. z Tmz. it,