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288 Thef ìr Sermon ea.3.z. Datu3.16. 17.18. obfervant ofhim. Art thou fo to Chrifle take all the things in the world,if thou fet up him ,as him whom thou molt feareft and fovea, thou wilt moti obey him : So againe, he whom thou thinkeft can doe thee thegrcate l good, and the greatcfi hurt, him thou wilt moti obey ; ifthou thinkefl ingood carnet that Chriti is able to do it, certainely then thouwilt moll obey him. As for example,if thou looketo anyman inthe world, a man that is out ofChrift, he thinkes that the favour orthe wealthof the King, can doe himmore good and more hurt, thanthe favour, or the loffeof the favour of Chrifl ; He thinkes that wealth, or credit, or fornething elfe,' (many thinges thereare that bee thinkes) candoe himmoregood andmorehurt; there. fore hee more refpe&rtherr command, than the commandofChrifi; but a man that fers up him forhischiefe Commander, hee regards no- thing elfe when it cernes to crofl'e it, when it comes to thwart any command of Quiff, be. caufe hee faith thus to himfelfe in his heart in fecret : It is the Lord that can doe the greareti good,and the greatefl hurt,therefore I care for no more. So Nabob heecared notfor Abatis wrath. SoMordecay carednot for HamaNs pleafure:Io did the Apotlles,they cared nut for the High Priefts,nor what they coulddoe, AJI. 4. Sodid the 3 children (asyou call them)tbey eared notfor thefieryfurnace ofNducadnezar, nor for all that hee was able todoe; and why ? be-