on theSacrament. 2S9 becaufcthey thought that Chrifi,thatGod was able to doe them more hurt, and more good. Now take anyCammander in the world,when you regard not the punifhtnent, nor the reward that he is able to inflict or togive you, his au- thority is gone ; Nowwhenyou fet upChrift, and thinke foof Chrift, you areready to obey him,and obeyhim rather than anyother.There- fore confider with thy felfe this, and confider ferioufly : aske thy heart the queftion, what is that thou fettefl up tdbee thy chiefeft Com- mander? For thereare three great Córnanders in the world,that divideall mankindbetvveene them almoft: And that is wealth, and eftate; worldly credit and honour, tlo live in eficeme; pleafures, and delight. Now thinke with thy felfewhen anyoftheie tie great Comman- ders come with any command, contrary to that which Chrift commands, thinke with thy felfe what thou wilt doe in fuch a cafe , what waft thou wont to doe, looke to paft experi- ence ; looke backe to thy former wayes, fee what thou waft wont todoe; thinke with thy felfe when fuch a Command comes, whatthy heart reafons upon; ifcc ncupifccnce,ifaflrong luft, ifa ftrong impetuous dr fire come, and bid thee todoe fomething, which is contrary to that whichChrift wouldhave thee to do,what art thou ready todoe in fuch a cafe ? Iftbypro- fit,themainetenancc ofthy eftate, thy liberty, thy wcalth,thyconvenience in this worldcome and