290 The frf Sermon and command thee todoe one thing, and thy confcience( which is Chaffs vicegerent) Come inhis (lead, and command thee another thing, what art thou ready to doe in that cafe e So when thy credit, thy honour, and reputation, thy vaineglory (hall corne and bid thee doone thing, and Chrifl (hall bid thee doe another, what is thy refólution what art thouwont to doe? By this thou (halt know whether thou let- teft up Chrift,as thechiefe Commander in thy heart or no, whether thougiveft him thychiefe throne , whether thou exalteft him for God in thy heart; you know when you exalt him for God, every thing then yeelds, ifin truth he be fet upfor God in thy heart: Thereforecon- fder what it is that tDy heart letshiglieft, whe- ther thou exalteft lMmoft, whether (when any of thefe threatning, crying commands come)thou canft give theman abfolutedenyall, and fay with thy felfe,I will not obeyyou, and ifthey threaten irnprifontment,or difgrace, and lofe oflife, andifIdoe not obey fucha luft,I (hall be wrung andpincht for k, I (hall lofe luth delights : well, I am refolved to beare all this. On the other fide, when they (hall come with fa ireproffers,you fhaIl have this honour, and this advancement, and this convenience: Ifthy heartcan fay now, I will havenoneofyou, for I fee it is a command contrary to his that is above, whom I have fet up for my chiefe Commander,whorn I refolve toobey,whorn I take