Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. 291 take to begreater than all the friendship in the world, than all theprofïts,pleafures,and credits in theworld; I fay thus examine thy felk what thy heart is toward Chrift, what it is to his command ; and(let mee touch that by the way) thou muff alto [hew thy obedience to Chrifi. in thy obedience to others. My beloved there are indifferent things, that are in themfelves not of moment one wayor other, whether we doe theta or not doe them; and though the omiffianofthem in themfelves be nothing, yet when it fhall bee of contempt, and neglcet of chafe that are fet in fuperiour place over you, in filch a cafeyou ought not todoe it : this is a rule, anda true rule indivinity, that indifferent things may be omitted except in twocafes,, in cafeof fcandall, and in c/foofneglca. and con- tempt of authority . therefore when there is neglea, when men Ilaew contempt, for that chute it is tobedone, though for theother is is not-to bedone. This I touch but by the way, that youmay confider it in your particular oc- cafion. Nowmy beloveds you fee thefe five things, by which you may know if you have tooke Chrift, or no : yee know when a man cornes to examine hirnfelfe whether hebe a fit sran,aman that bath any right tocor ne tothe Lords table.' hee tnufl confider whether bee bee in Chrift, otherwife heebath nothing to doeeither with this priviledee,or with anyother. Now tobee in