292 Tiiefirg Sermon Lev.it.t; . 29. inChrift, there muff (as I faid) goc a double aa, there muffbe oneon thy owne fide, there *tuft be one aa on thy part to take him ; and there muff be anadon his part, there goesbut a ftrength and a vertue from him by which flee takes theeandcomprehends elee. The time is. pat},& I cannot proceed further;onely remem- ber this that hath beene faid toyou, and exa- mine your felves by it,whethcr you bee in the truth, whether you make Chritt your chicle Excellency,yourchiefe 7reafure,yourchicle.lay, yourchiefeRefuge, your chiefecommander ; if thou finde that thouhaft done this,ifthou finde tiny heartwrought to fuch anas as this, totake Chrift infuch amanner, thenthouhaft Chrift, thou artinhim, then thou haft a' right in hink and maift come witWWeomfort: but ifthou have it not, then I mutt charge every one of you in the name of Chrift Icfus (in whole authority we come) that youmeddle not with fuch holy myfteries. My Beloved you know what I have often told you there is a neceffity laid onmen tocome to theSacrament : you knowbee that neglected thePafseover wæ, to 6e cut offrom the people. It was a very great finne : fo it is to omit the Sacrament: youhave diverfe Sacra- ments every Tearme,and ifyour butnetfe hin- der you from one, you may come to another; yea there isa neceffìty lyes upon you to corne, but yet we rnuft give you a doublecharge, one that you omit it not;andanother that you come not