ontbe Sacrament. 29; nothither unletfeyoube inChrift ; What haft thou todoe that art a profane pcdon, thouhaft nothing todoe with Chrift, thou that art yet a ftranger to him, that thou fhouldeft thruft into theLords table ? thouought'ff not to doeit if thoudo ft,tb®Ueate/t anddrrnkefi thmeDane dame notion, inheadofthy falvation. t Cor.1i.29. The SecondSermon. A t D fo now wee-come to the Vfe, and C that is, that there is an A61 of Chriíf to make an unionbetwixt us, that we may his, ,andhe ours , there isanaft ofhis, that is, there is acertaine power or vertue comes fromhim, even asthere loth from the Load.ttone to the iron,that drawes thee to him ; theregoes out a venue and power from him alto the woman that touched the hemmeofhis garment, that healed her bloody iulue ; fuch a powergoes out fromChr_iftoevery man, that is in him. And as you mutt examine it by your o wnead, to in the fecond placeyou are to examine it bythis ; confider whether there path gone out any fuch power from Chrifl to take and comprehend thee For you mutt know this, that when once we are inChritt, then there goes forth an eft fectuall almightypower fromhim, whichdoth not make a little light alteration on thefuperfi- cies F74