Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

294 TheficoìYdSermon cies ofthe heart, but it alters thevery frame o it, it turnes thevery rudder ofthe heart, fo that a mans courfe is toa quite contrary point of the compare it is lush an alterationasdothbreed inus, not fotne good conception onely ofpur- poles anddelires whichmany have,whichwhen they cometo thebirth, there is no ffrength to bring them forth : but bee gives tous a power and ftrength toperforme them : That is, hee Both not put upon us a wafhy colour ofpro- fefiion, but beedyethus in graine with grace and holineffe. And therefore confider whether thouhaft fóund anyexperience offuel' a power going out fromChrift to thyheart; This my beloved, differs from commongraces,from the common forme of gódlinefíe which is in the world, as much as the life differs from the piaure, or the fubüance from the fhadaw; asa through performancediffers from a proffer,or an offer : or as that which bath finewes and vigour, differs from that which is weake and powerles. Therfore this powerofChrift which hee puts forth and diffufeth into the heart of every manthat is in him is called theXingdome. Kingdom the o ofChrift is not inword,6ni in power:That is,whenoncehe rulesbut asa King, hee exercifeth aKingdome there, and bee faith notonely to us; I will have fucha thing done, they are not weake and powerlefí'e cornu ands that he gives to theheart ofaman that hedwels ir;but faith he,TheKingdomofGod if notinword Bnt 20,