Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. 295 bas inporver; that is,theregoes an efficacy with thole commands, there goes a great flrength. 1 with them,tlsat bringsevery thòught,and every rebellious affe6ion intofubjeEtion to it ; and thereforeconfider I fay, ifthou wouldeft have thefevertues, whether thoube in Chrilt, whe- ther any fuchpower hashgone out fromChris to thy heart. But you will fay, what is this power and ver- tue, and in what manner is it infufed into the heart ofman, for this fames tobe a narration ofa thing a farreoff? My beloved,wewill explaine it as well-aswe ,gnfo, can toyouievenasyou fee an Artificer working withhis infirument,theregoes a certaine vertue out from that art which is in his rninde, and guides theinftrurnent tomake this or that, the which without it couldnot be done, when hee mikesany artificiall thing,as a knife,or a fword; orwhen thePotterfafhions the pone, his hand is feton worke, and there isacertaine invifible paff`age,a certaine fecret influence ofthe art that goes alongwith hishand,that brings forth fuch anartificiall thing ; or even as you fee themem- bers move; a man moving his arrne,or his-hand, . or anypart ofhis body, there goes a certaine vertue from his will a certaine fecrcr power, efficacy and command that ílirres them this wayor that way; the thingwee fee nor, yet we fee it in theeffe6;or as you fee it in the creature, you fee thecreatures that God hathmade, they have