aQ6 eeft T'hefecond Sennen have all the leveral ìnfiin6s,bywhich they are infligated todoe this or that ; you fee thebirds are-in fltgated tomake their nefìs in fuch a fafhi. on,at luth a feafon;fo everycreature according to his feverail kinde. There goes out from God who is the authour of nature to thefe workes ofnature, acertaine vertue that purs them one and infligates them to this or that: and as you fee anarrow that is fhot by the Ar- cher: there goesa venue together t ith it, that direas it jufì to fuch3 marke, fo farre, and no further. S,,o after this manner there comes a power fromChrift to his members; as Toone as a man is in him , there comes fuch a fecret divine,unexprefrable efficacy that workes upon the heartofhim inwhom he dwels. And there- fore the conjunáion betweene him and us, is compared to that which is betweene the foule and the body,thata1s and !litres us toand fro, accordingto its will and pleafure fuch an eflî- cacyMalt thou finde, if thou belong unto him,;, and therefore confider it therebee finch a thing ' in thee or no. But youwill fay, towhat purpofe is thisefi cacy, and what Both it in my heart when it comesthere Why,I will tell thee what it Both; it is ex. préfftd in plaine ter nes 2 Car, 5.17. Whofaever to inChrifi .4 mule a newcreature ; That is the worke itef`ec s :; it is fuch a powerand efficacy as makes thee anew creature;Thatis, it breakes in