on the Sacrament. 297 in pecces the old building, it (rite takes away the firti print., As when a man comes to make anew fiampe, the firti mini bee removed. So that this efficacy thatgoes out fromChar, it hath a double vertue in thy foule, to weare out theold flampe, to breeda death of theold na- ture,ot the old man,to ruine and breake downe the oldbuilding, and to let up a new one ; and that the Scripture calls a new creature : and thereforeconfider with thy felfe,whether thou find fucha vertueas bath put thy heart intofuch a new frame, as hath moulded it all together, andbathput it into another fathion than it was, confider whetherall in thee be new. Youwill fay,this is itrange, mutt all benew My beloved, you know the words they are cleare; oldthings are?ape away, all things are be- cone new. ( In the fame Flace which I quoted before)thatas the commandwas in the offering ofthe Paffeover, not a jot ofold leaven, butwe mutt part with it ; Now this is the nature of leaven, it isalwayes purging our, and it will be purging out while weare here,only the efficacy and ilrength thereof rernainesnot. Then thinke with thy felfe,is all new in me ? looke what na- tural difpofition I have had:looke what natural hiftsand defes I havehad, fee what atis I was wont to doe, what old haunts and cuflornes I havehad, lookewhat old company I kept,what oldcourfes I tooke, what my tra hath beene, is all this altered and every thing become new ? V (for Qtleft. Anfw zCor. 5, I. illassisitisassi&w