293 TheficondSermon coe5 . 17. (for, faith he, it muff be anew creature, a new nature :) That is, it is not enough for a man to have a new courfe fora fit, to have new pur- ' polesand a new change that comes like flafhes, I fay, that is not enough ; you may have many w thinges inyou, that may be in old heart; Math 9) b paces ofnew (loath inoldgarments, that will .. I 3 7. do theeno good at al;the Lord regards not that: like newwine inold veffills, fo it is where there are fotne new things, that are good things in the m(-elves ; in a carnall and old heart,they are not fit for the heart, and therefore theynever flay long there: So faith the text,Put anewpeece into an oldgarment,and it makes the rentgreater. Therefore all muff be new. ; I fay theremull be a new nature, that thefe new things may bee there even as the feverall creatures are in their feverall elements, as the elements are in their owne place, as the plants are in their proper foyle,as thebranchesareupontkeirown roote. For then they florifli, then they hold out, then they continue; Therefore feewhether this vi- gor, this efficacy, this verrue bath gone out fromChrift into thy heart 5 whether it bath not I only renewed al in thee,butalfobathgiven thee a new nature; That is,whether it hath wrought 1 filch achange in thee,that all the wayes ofgod- 1 lines and new obedience, become in a meafure 1 naturall to thee , fo that thou coil doe them cheerefully,even as wee heare,and fee, anddo naturali aflions, and that thou doll themwith- out