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on theSacrament. out wearinefle : for youknow, things that are raturall weearenot weary of them ; And fo thou wiltdoe them conftantly, for what is na- turall, Hayes and abides by us , that it out growes and out -wearies what ever is in us be- tide ; Now hath thereavertue goneout from Chrifl, that bathwrought all this in you, that bathmade all new, hath not onely done fo, but hathmade it naturali to thee?But you will fay, mull it needs be fo,cannot Chriil takeand com- prehend me, but there mull be this wonderfulI changewrought,whocanbePaved then? I ha ve thenbut little hope,WhenLamupon mydeath. bed, and then fhall locke upon my old nature, and finde no Inch worke as this wrought upon me. Beloved, Ibefeechyou confider this, that there is a neceßityofit : It isfo, and it mull be fo, andexcept youhave it,you cannot befaved; you fee the words in the Scriptures are moft cleare, Whofoever ra inChrift is a new creature : Doebut confiderwhether it be fo or no ; there mutt bee 4 new heaven, and anew earth; You fee that was the great promife that was to bee fulfilled in our times oftheGe eld. Is there not a new priefthood; is there not a new covenant, and hath not the LordPaid, there mull be a new heavenanda newearth?That is,new graces from heaven, and a newcompany of men wrought on, and changed by thofegraces ? Shall thofe that areborne ofold Adam, receive a power fromhim, to make them like tohim, to carry V z his 99 "Infw. 2 Coa,;. zPct,3113