: 3 0o ThefecondSermofz i Tit4214. i3ab:1,13. his Image, tobe corrupt, email, and finfull as he is: Anddoyou not thinke that the New c,.líana,the Second Adam, fhall have as much efficacy in him to make thofe new creatures, that are inhirn, that come to him? Certainely there isas muchpower, life, and vigor inthe -newAdam, to change everyman that !s inhim, that comes to him,tomake them newcreatures, as in the old Adam, to make them like tohim : Befides, path not Chrift faidplainely, I came not into the world to fave foules only,tbat isnot my bufines alone ( though that was a great part ofthe bufinefl'e anderrand for whichheecame into the world:)but (faith be) Icame topurifiea people tomyfelfe, zealoua ofgood workes : in the 2 Tit. Now if that were the end of Chrifis comming, doff thou thinke that hee will loofe his end ? Wherefore its impofliblc, that any man fhould bee faved, or have part inChrift, that hee fhould bee inChriftandChristin him, except his heart bee purified fo, as tobe zea- lous ofgood workes. If Chrift, dwell in thy heart, thoumayeft eafily know it;for doff thou thinke, that Chrift will dwell in a foule and uncleane place ? bath beenot pure eyes ? And therefore it is certaine wherefoeverheedwells, that place muff beea fit 'Templefor him to dwell in; Whereforeof necefEty bee un cleanfe thy heart, hee muff fafhion it, and keepe it pure, cleane, and fweet, fo as it may beea fit Temple for him and his Spirit to dwell and