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on the Sacrament. 30I I; and delight in. Betides, cloth hee not looke to his glory in all thole that belong tohim if he hash many eyes to lookeupon them as it were, aremany 1ecIators menandAngelis , to fee what they are, and how they behave them. felves Ifhe fhouldhave company ofmen to belong unto him that are carnall, perverte, and wot I ATminded, that have crooked wayes like other men, would this be for his honour?would it not be fail, Likemen, like Mafia ? would it not relied upon him ? Cerrainely it would; and therefore the Lord feorders it, that tiiofe whom hehath redeemed/hat/beholy itr adman. nèrofconverfation: Saith he,youmu/I be ae 1am, elfe it will bee for my difhonour, As 1am hold, f every oneofyou muff be holy, in all manner of conversation. Therefore let no man deceive himfelfe , to thinke heecangoe away and yet bee in Chrift, and bee faved throughChrift and the mercies of God in Chrift, when there goes out no fuchvertue and power fromChrist co change him , to worke on him, to alter him, to make him another creature. And therefore I befeech you in the examining of this, ( for itsa matterofgreat moment)tocon- fider with your felves,if thisbe wrought inyou or no ; whether you finde any experiment and effect ofthis mightypower , efficacy, and ver- tue : and let me bringyou a little to particulars, Hach there gone out a vertue from him toena- ble thee tobeleeve There is a faith required V 3 in I Cor.¢.9, I Pet.I.I ç. 16.