Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

33 02 ThefëcondSermoía fin the Deity, there is a faith required in thepro- mfisofGod,and there is a faith required in the providence of God,tothinke that every particu- lar thing is orderedby it; There is allo a faith inall the threatningsofGod: Now for the man- ner ofpropounding;when the Scripture comes topropoundany thing,it propounds it thus,and . nomoreras you fee in Moyfes,he writes nothing Gen.IY but,tn the beginningGod made heavenandearth, &c. And fo the Apoftles write ; Such a thing Matk,I. was done, lets chriit wu borne oftheVirgin Mary : Vagand thou he did,Nowwhen thena. ked objeá is propounded, other writers wht theydeliver or write is rationall; They ufe Rea- Ions and arguments to convince menof thole things whichthy deliver; but when the Scrip- ture fèts downe any propofitions of faith, it dothbut barely propound them, for there is the Majefly andauthority ofGod in them, tocon- firme them. Reft. But now hereyou wi.lIdemand,(the propofi- tion being bur nakedly laid downe in the Scrip.= tures)what will enable a man tobeleeve it? I anfwere that certainely there is a mighty "Wry. power that goes out from God and Chria, that enables thee to beleeve with efficacy; fo that when theobjec`t is fet before thee, there goes out apowerfromChrift to work faith in thyheart, whereby thou trulybeleevefl it, and fo it appeares in thy life: \ C think we beleeve thole things,biat our lives do manifeft the con- trary;