Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. ;0 3 [ trary ; namely, That there is not apowerful' faithwrought in us ; for all theerrours ofour lives ( though we obferve them not) arife from hence, that there Principles are not throughly beleeved: ifthey were, it could notbee, that there f l ould be fuch inconfequences in the lives of men. Therefore confider if this faith bee wrought in thee, whether fuch a powerbath goneour, to worke fucha faith, that bath chan- ged thy whole courfe, as it will doe, if it bee once wrought in thee, by the power ofChria : Soalfo confider , whether there bath a venue gone out fromhim toworke love inthy heart to the Lord; for otherwife it is certaine that there is no man in the world that is able to love Gód, or to come neere him, for all love rifeth from Similitude, there mutt bee anagreement and fi-, militude betweene thole two that love. Nowe- very man by nature is ascontrary toGods pure nature,as fire is to water, &without an aImigh- ty power to changehisnature, and toworkea particular aftèLionof love inhim, he cannever be able to love God: therefore its the baptifme oftheholy Gho(k ; which workes this, He will baptizeyorawith the holy Ghoft andwithßre, that is, with the holy Ghoff which is fire: 1willmul- tiply thyforrowes and thy conceptions,That is, the forrowes ofthy conceptions.Now love is as fire in the heart, and one fire mull beget another; And therefore youhave it in the common pro- yerbe, Love is a thing that cannotbe bought with V 4 mourn Gen.3.6.I