7laDoirineofMortification. 31 them tobreake the Commandement : Thus wee fee that the avoydingof theoccafionoffinne, will beea wearies tokeepe us from finne. But fomewill fay, I an ftrong enough, Ineed not wig!, have fuch acare to avoyd theoccafions of finne : it is true, it is forBabes, and fuch as are weake Chriftians, toabftaynefrom fuch and fuck occafions ; but as for me that havebeene a Profeffora longtime, and have _ ,. fuchaftrength and meafure offaith, Ineednot Much to (tandupon there termes. To this T anfwer, that this is mens weaknefïe thus to obje t,forthis want offearearifeth from thewant of fpirituall ftrength 5 for this is thenature of fpirituall strength ina manwhen he feares finneand theoccaf- ens of finne, the morehe fearesin this cafe, the ftron- ger he is , and the leffehee feares, theweaker hee is ; the leffefpiritualftrength hehath, whatloeverhe may feemetohave therefore,doeft thou findwant of fpi- rituall fearein thee, then thou mayft juftlyfeare thine eftate ; forifthouhaft truegrace in thee, itwill befo arrefrommakingof thee careleffe, that it will make adouble hedge and ditch about thy foule.. Again, knowthat all the ftrengththouboafts of, is but ha- bituallgrace, and what is habituall gracebut a crea- ture ; and in relyingupon it, t&'r rra40ße?7 thinearme, that is, thou putt&more truft and confidence in a creature, than inGod, which is a horriblefinne, and flat Idolatry : thereforeyoufee this is mens weakneffe thus to objeCt.. The fourth outwardlneanes is, Faftang aiGGL_ payer ;The fount S thoughabufedby the Papifts, yet veryneceffary, and lT1ë es Fes. a000d outward "manes to Mortification, being ufed fling and lawful- Pra,rr.