304 7`hefecondSermon AGMs zaz, Cia1.5.24. rnoustatnes ofgoloi andftiver ; yet if thou bee in Chrift, there goes outvenue from him, that ftampes upon thy heart this holy affeâion, that breedes in thee this holy fire oflove,fo that thy heartcleaves tohim , thou loveft hire with as true,withas genuine,as naturali, and as fenfible love, as thou Lovett any friend ; as thou loveft any creature in the world. Confider if this be wrought in thee or no. And fo fir thy know- ledge;there is altoa powerin ir, confider whe ther any fuch vertuehath gone out fromChrifl tomake the knowledge which thou hall;power- full. You will fay,what is that That is, tobring on thefe truthes which thy heartof tints unto, tobring them with that evi- dence,and fulnetfe ofdemonftration, thatthoii fhalt yceld unto them, and praelife them accor- dingto thy knowledge. Beloued,there is much knowledge among us,but who pradifeth,accor ding to his knowledge ? We know God, but wee gdorifie himnot i G®d; and the reafon is,becaufe there bath not gonea power with that knew- ledge, tomake it lively and effeetuall, to paffe through all the faculties of the foule, and to overrule them; for if there were filch know. ledge, it would alwayes draw aff`etion andpra- ¿ ife with it.So likewife confider,whether there bath gone a power from him to mortifie thy lufts,(Whofoever is inChrißbathcru,ifed theflefh with the affeaions age lap ;) not to lay them a. flop