Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

onthe Sacrament. 3Q5 ..Ileepe onely, but to mortifieano 1u«eiue See likewife whether therebath a power gone out from Chri11, tohelpe thee to overcome the world, The tuftsoftbine eyes, the lußs sftbefleh, and theprideo f life for whofoever is inChrift overcomes the world,and all that is in the world. The worldbathmany things toworke upon us, and to refiti and oppofe us:It kath perfecutions, it bath difgraces,ithathflandersand reproches, which it catis upon holy men, & upon theholy wayes ofGod.And themen that are atours in this,are thedivels fa6lours, though they thinke not fo, as the Apoftle rames exprefTes it ; Their tonguesarefet onfire ofheil, to devife Flanders and falte reports, and to fatten them upon holy men, efpecially upon theMinifters of the Gof- pell, and fo uponall the wayes of God : I fay they are the'divels faCtours, though they thinke not fo : and thofe that beleeve them are the divels receivers; theone bath the divell in his tongue, the other inhis eare. But theLord bath appointed this. This is one thing whereby the worldfights againft the wayesofGod, to dif- courage men and to hinder them, that they might be fturnblingblockes to them. So it was with (shrift; bee m,r thefahlìng ofmany ira grad by reafon of this ; fowas Pau',asa deceiver,and yet true, &c. Confider if thou haft this efficacy put into thyheart, that thou art able toover- come this, that thou art able to overcomeall the offences, andperfecutions, all the thunders and 1®ia52.I6. Iam.3 .6. Luk.Y.3 4