306 The fecund Sermon and reproaches that are caft upon the wayesdf Cod ; andnotwithiianding that to thinke well ofthem,and to walke in them,and prae ife;he% Likewite,as it hash thefe things on theonehand fo it ha th pleafures, preferments, glory, riche; credir,and all thingsof that natureon the other art thou able to overcomeall thefe ? So to fhut up this point & prokecute it no further,thusyou (hall knowwhether yoube in Chrift: for that is thepoint ; Wehaveattirance inhins; that ifwe cake any thing, we/hall bebeard, but firit we mutt be in him; now toknowwhether webe in him (as youhaveheard)there mutt be an a& of ours, and fecondly anaft ofhis, which is this power thatgoes out from him, tochange, to take and comprehend us. Somuch for the fir[i thing. Now for the fecond ; if a man will applyor take tp himfelfe the priviledges wee have by Chrift, as this particular priviledge ofbeing heard inour prayers,of comming to theSacra- ment, oranyother ;know this, that it is not e- nough tobe inChrift only, but theremuff be a certaine qualification, acertaine immediate fa- fbioning, and preparation ofthe heart, or elfe though thou have a right to the priviledges, though they belong to thee:yet thou art fufpen- ded from theufe, benefit,and comfort ofthem. And this is confidered in thefe Five things. (I will but name themverybricfely.)Firtt,whena man comes toreceive the Sacramenr,it'snot e- nough forhim to be inChrift, nonor whenhe