on the Sacrament. is come to dó forne other duties, but moreover there muff be this alfo 5 thole grace thouhall, this change, this new creature that is wrought in thee,which is but a heapeofparticulargraces thefe muff be ailed and f irredupupon finch an occafion:It is true,no man ought to corne except he have the graces of Gods Spirit wrought in his heart, that they may lye there in thehabits, that theymay be in the heart as fire raked in the afhes. But if man will come to receive the Sa- crament, and fuffer thefehabits, thefe graces he hath tolie [fill there, he comes not as aworthy receiver ; ( there are indeed degrees of unmoor- thinefíe) he cornes not as a worthy receiver ex- cept bee 'litres them up,except theybe aeted at that very time:as forexample;whenwe come to receive the Sacrament, weeought then tohave an efpeciall humiliation and forrow for our finnes; we ought then tohave an efpeciall love to Iefus Chrift;we ought then to havea fpecial rejoycing inhim, and in all thePriviledges wee have by him; we ought then tohave a fpeciall love roour brethren, themenwith whomwee converfe, andamong whomwee live: now ifa mancomeandreceive, and do not flirreup and ad' thefegraces, he receivs unworthyly,andmy ground for it, is this; You fee in the feafl of Reconciliation the Tenth day ofthe Seventh moneth,the Lord tels them there,you(halt come, andyoufhaflke.?e it, byeofháflnot do werke,&c. But is this enough ? no=fie that doth not a7kally of 3ß7