Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Levit 23. 27, 28.29.33. EccleC3 t. affitcri hisfitole(faithhe)tbat elery,he Addbe cat of fromhis people pvit. 23. 2 7,This is ,though they had a habitual difpofition and their hearts were prepared to forrow for theirfinnes, and to take them to heart and bewaile them, this is not e. nough, (faith bee) at this timeyou muff afflid your foules, that is, there muff be a flirting up ofthat forrow. So likewifeyou finde this in the feafts, inmore placesthanone, that when they come to keepe the fealls,-at that time they fhail eate and drinke, and refreth themfelves, but in any cafe rejoyce, Dest. z2, and Deus. 16. I will not ftand to repeate theplaces :That is, it's not enough foryou tohave thankfull hearts,tohave hearts prepared for thefe things in the habit, but youmutt then rejoyce, for it is the feafonof it, (for every thing goadin it's¡ea/en) and the Lord requires it at fucha time. Therefore thus thinke with thy felfewhenfoever thou cornett to receive the Sacrament, this is the time that thegraces I have, the hlituall graces, muff be newpointedas it were, theymuff bee new whetted,new fcowred, that they may bebright and fhining upon fuch an occafion, when the Lordcals for it, youmull then quickenand flit them up, that they may bee all aced inyour hearts. And this is one thing, thatit's notenough for a man tobee inChrift, to rake the priviledges that belong tohim but there is acertaine qua- lification required that muff be done at that time