on the Sacrament. 3 ®q time, when the Covenant is renewed: And this is one, to have thegraces thus aced. Secondly, there muffbe a new Reconciliation. For the Saints, thofe that are within the cove- 2. nant, thofe that are regenerate men, (you mui I marke it well'for it's a point ofmuch rife)when they commit finnes againff God, theguiltof their finnes is retained : though they are within the covenant, and arenot cut off from Chriff, but are in him;yet( I fay) when they have fin- ned, the guilt of that finne continues, andis continued till theybe reconciled and renewed by faith and 'repentance;as youfee it was with David :Nathanwould not havefard when bee z Sa ,.I2, came tohim, Thyfames are f rgiven thee,ifthere m3 -had not beene a new thtug , if there hadnot beene a thing doneat that time;and therefore it intimates fo much, that before his finwas not forgiven : that is,tlheLord was angry withhim. You muff know therefore this, that when a re- generate man finnes, there is only aparticular guilt; theuniverfall guiltof fnoes returnes not, (for that would cut himquite off,that wouldput him abfolutely into the Elate ofdamnation,)but it's a particular guilt, for every particular finne; that is,even as a father is pleatedwell with his fon, andknowes him tobe his fonne,hee is affe- 6ed to him as to his Tonne, yet bee bathdone fuch a particular acion that bath offendedhim, and for that particular offence,hee withdrawes himfelfe fromhim, hee carries not himfelfe to him r