Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

po The fecond Sermon himas he was wont to do,beingoffended with him for fuchafault ; now till the forme hash re- conciled and humbled himfelfe for that par- ticular a&ion, though the father bath anhun- dred gifts tobellowon hirn, yet bee (hall have noneofthem, till hee bath reconciled hitnfelfe; So thinke with thy felfe(ifany finne lye in the way)when thou committo partakeof thispri. viledge to receive theSacrament,or when thou commef} tocall on God foranyparticular mere cy,or tohave any requefl: granted; thinke then with thy felfe, fucha tiene Icommitted, Imull humblemy felfe for it. I mutt labour to make reconciliation, labour to have this taken away, that my Father may bee reconciled to mee; then comeand take the priviledge, for now it belongs untome therefore there is a neceffity ofrenewing our repentance and reconciliation moVc exa1ly, and to takea veryparticular exa- mination. of our wages when we come to re- ceive theSacrament, or when wee drawneere toGodupon fuch fpeciall occafons, least our Father,(though hebe a Father tous)have'fome' particular quarrellagain[l us;fcr even hewhom we callFather, z Pet. 1,17, :fidget/1 every man, (even his owne fonnes)withegtref ea`i ofperfans, that is,he didnot beare any ill in thena:thusyou fee didhe withMoyfes, with David,andothers, and the like helothwith all theSaints. This is thefecond qualification that is required before youcanhaveany part in anyofthe priviledges, be.