Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

On the Sacrament. before you can amine untothis affurance , to aske and have; therefore it is not without ute, and that not in theSacramentonely,but alfo in that which we have to deliver. Thirdly,fuppofe therebe no particular finne, fuppofethe grace youhave,beaóed, whenyou come to receive the Sacrament ; yet there is a third thingrequired,a third qualification that mutt be found in the heart ofhim that willbea worthy receiver, and that is, toobferve well what d1 taoce ifgroyne betweene the Lord and himever fince the tirne, thathe hath in a more particulat manner Beene reconciled to him. This is another thing than whatwee named be- fore,toconfider what ruf} bathgrowne uponhis foule, what foyle his heart hathcontraaed, by converfing in the world, and byy medling with worldly andearthly things; for the foule ga thers íbylewith medlingwith them,even as the hands doe;now thou muff thinkewith thy felfe, when thoucommef to theLord; anddrawefl neere to him in this, or any otherduty, thou í muff recover that againe,andbring thy I heart neerer to the Lord,thou muttdraw neerer I tohinn,thoumutt get thy heart to amoredole, a more neere,& inwardconiun. ion with him;. thou mutt labour to have that hardneffe that thouhaft contra6ted(as it will bee in a little con tfme thou mufir lab I fay, to have that inuanceo tootike away ) and emoved our ; tohave thy heart foftened, to have the ruff rubbed off; thou 3t