Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

3a2 Thefecund Sermon thoumuff labour tohave all thcfethings done. For thoumuti know this,That though therebe not a particular finne committed, yetas we fee, i the outwardman isfable& to a wafting,though there be no wounds, though there be no lick- neffe ; thougha manbe in perfe&health,and all is well with him, andbe obferveall the rules of j dyet, yet(I fay)you fee theoutwardman isfub. je& to wafting, tofainting, toweakeneffe,and decay and therefore there muff be 2, renewing ofdyer, andoffirength, or elfe it cannot bee able toholdout: So it is with the inwardman; though therebee no particular inne, though a man did keepe fotnegood courfe in the wayes ofgodlineffe, withoutrunning out eminently or evidently, yet he isfubjeet to a ferret decay, fo that fornetimes hee mutt have forne fpeciall meate, fome.fpeciall feaft,which the Lordbath appointed for that purpofe,(forhedothnothing in vaine: ) And if this Sacrament could be fpa- red, that aman might keepe the ftrength of the inward man without it , the Lord would not have put you to this trouble ; but he teeth it ne- ceffary,and thereforehe bath appointed it to be received, and that often, that you might feed upon the body and blood of Chrift , that you might eatehis fi fh anddrinke his blood, and gather new flrength from ir; that when there is adecay ofgrace in your hearts, youmaygoe to this Fountasne, and fill the Cifiernes againe to recover then,eh. For whena mancomes to the Sa {