Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on theSarament Sacrament as hee ought, bee gathers a new flrength, as a man loth froma feaft ; his heart is cheeredupas it is withFlagons ofwine,he is refrefhed,his hungerand thirft isfatisfied; That is,the defires ofhis foule that long after Chrift, after righteoufneffe, andaffurance,are quickned and refre (bed. And this is the third thing. Fourthly,befidesall this; Fira the ftirringup ofthegraces, and the aetingofthe habits; Se- condly, making thy peace and reconciliation with God, and remooving ofanyparticular of- fence, that is betwixt Godand thee; Thirdly, this fcouring offthe ruff , this remooving the diftancebetweeneGod andthee,the foftningof that hardneffe which thy heart bath contraeted. this recovering the ftrength that thouhaft wa- fted ; There is betides all thefea fourth thing required, which is, that therebe an Itstentiono partiodoiricreafi ofthywiIl,iri takingChrift, of thy defire to Chrift, and of every grace that knits theeand Chrift together; For there are certaine cementing graces,certaineglewing gra- ces,that jóyne Chrift and thy foule together,as Faith and Loveithefe are the twomaine graces; there are a great traine of graces that follow them, but thefeare thechiefe, and thefe Ifay mutt bee intended, Forwhat is theendofthe Sacrament ? Is it not to knit the knot ftronger betweene Chrift and us, to make the union more full and pLrfea ? is it not to increafe our uvillingneffe totake and receiveChrift e for you X know 313 emsamaAmi.mws