Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

314 ThefcondSermon know all the alsof the foulemay be intended. Put the cafe therebea refolved aft in the heart and foule of any man , whereby he faith thus with him felfe: I am refolved to take Chrifl,and to ferve and love him for the timeofmy life, yet this refolution of his, though it bee perfect and fncere,may receive intention ; when aman is willingto doe any thing truly, there may bee degrees added to that will; when there is light in aroome (whenthoubringer inmorecandles) that light maybe increafed: fo it may in this, fo may your faith and love ; (by faith I meaneno- thing but the refolution of the heart to take Chris; I meanenotthebeleevingpart, but the takingpart, the atlof thewill takingChrift,or receiving him, which is nothing elfebut the choifeofthewill that refolves totakehim.)I do but touch this by. theway,becaufe it is a point I havehandled already at large; the thing I ayme at isthis;I faytheglewinggraces arethefe two; Faithand love, wherbyyou thus take Chrift for your Lord andSaviour; Faith is like the part of the compaffe that goeth about and doth the worke;and love isthat cementing grace wherby weare more knit unto the Lord;they have both their officeand their place;You know love is an uniting affeûion,therefare this is thedefinition ofit,tt.i a defire efurionwiththat itloves:Now when thou cornea to receive the Sacrament, or topray,or put upany fpecial requeft,when thon cornetttohave todowith God) tomake ufe of any