on theSacrament. 315 any priviledge thouhaft inChrift,thychiefe hu - fines is to intend this faith & love,at fuch a time todraw thee neerer, to makethe union perfal. You will fay, how is this increafed and how is it intended? I anfvver ; Two wayes inthe Sacrament, one way is thevery repetition, thevery renewing the covenant, theverydoing it over againe, the refolutionoftaking him, (for there is a mutuall covenant,you know,betwcene Chrifl and us)it is confirmed to us in the Sacrament, bee con- firmes his, and weeconfirme ours,as the friend- fhipbetweene isnathan&Davidwas increafed by therenewingof the covenant, or elfe why was it repeated ? The very repetitionofthe intends the habit, the habit is increafed by the repetitionoftheaet, though it were nomore; fo the renewingofthe covenant cxercifeththy faith, it fees awork thy faithand thy love,when thou cornett to receive the Sacrament, the very intention is increafed: but this is not all. There is another thing in the Sacrament that much in creafeth it, and that is a thing I wouldhave you chicfely to takenoticeof; That is the verySa- crament it felfc, theelements ofbread andwine delivered to thee, with the very words of the minifter, Take andeate, this my body, that w& brokenfor thee; Take and drinke, this is my blood, thatwa fhed,dre. For when thefe words are fpekentous, ifwee did confider well ofthem, and thinke thus withour felves ; Thefe words X a that Cer.IT)24b