6 'ThefecondSermon that the Lordhinafelfe bath appointed the Mi- Hiller tofpeake(for therein is the force ofthem that they are ofthe Lords ounce infliturion ) therefore the ftrengthof every Sacrament lies in the inflitution;That is a rule in Divinity: the ' Papifts themnfelves, whohave added five other. Sacraments, cannot deny,bnt that everySacra- ment mutt have an immediate inftitutionfrom Chrifl himfeliè, even from his owne mouth,or elfe there is no ftrength in it; fo that evenasit is withall things that are fymbols ofother things, (as take markes in feildsthat Rand for the divi fionoffeverall mens rights; take counters that ° Hand for Thoufands andHundreds; the very effenee ofthefe things ftands in thevery infli- tutionofthem;) Soin the Sacrament, except thefe words werefrom the Lords owne mouth that delivered it, this verydelivering of the bread andwine, being a figne to youofthefor- givenesofyour finnes,except the Lordhad thus inttituted it,there hadbeene no force in it. I fay conlider,they arewords that theMinifter fpeaks not inan ordinary courfe,but he is appointedby the Lordhimfelfe to fpeak them; and nowwho thefe words make a ne* impreffionupon thy heart,it addes an interatiOn to thy faith and love. For example,(to make it a little more cleareto you,that youmayunderfland it diftinc ly.)The Lord bath faid this,hewill forgive the limes of allthofe that come unto him, bee willforgive them that fortake their(noes, and takeChrift Iefus,