on the Sacrament; 317 lefts, and love and feare him for the time to come: TheLord might have fuffered it to goe thus in generali, that hee bath delivered it unto you and no more ; But bee thought goodto goe further andfay thus tomankind : Its true,!have laid it,but I will notcontent my felfe with that, but will edde certaine íeales and fymbolls, cer- taine externall figues, that thou fhalt fce and looke on;and I fay to thee, this covenant haveI made with thee, and when thou feed thebtead and wine deliveredby the Minifter, know this., that the thing that thou feeft is a wirneffe be- tweene thee and me: That as it was Paid byLa ban and Jacobwhen they made acovenant, This Gen.31 8 /ions bé witne between to : And God Paid to Noah, when I lo:ke upon the rainebowe, itfhallbee 14115, 3 a ¡igne that I will defray the earthnomore after thismanner;when theLordhathPaid it andbath appointed thisoutward Symboll that thine eyes looke upon,I remember the covenant,and this asa figue betweene us, this (hall bind meeto it and him likewife.Nowwhen this is done anew, (it may be everymonth) this is a wondrous greatmercy this is amarvellous great helpe(if It be rightly underílood)to fFrengthen our faith. Doth it not helpeus, when wee fee the Raine- bowe which the Lord hathappointed toput himin mind ofhis covenant e I will remember G en,9,14, ÿmycovenant,when 1Tooke on the Bowein the Cloud 75, E t (hail con nj rme me, andImillnot breake m, cave- leant toolefir), the wotldwith a flood ; So this,ad- X 3 mini -